Our Products

Virtec takes pride in manufacturing the best of measuring equipments for HVAC sector. We deliver the best quality products at the best price in the industry.

Ultrasonic Heat Meter - VIR UF
(Range 125mm to 800mm)

Virtec is an industry-leading manufacturer of Electronic flow meters with years of expertise offering advanced solutions to clients. Virtec Ultrasonic Electronic Flow Meter was developed based on the principle of ultrasonic transit-time measurement technology.  It uses micro-power technology.  One of the most cost-effective meters available today,  this new class-leading  Coriolis mass flowmeter reduces installation, pump power,  and replacement costs.  The flowmeter is perfectly suited for industrial standard applications and has all the necessary capabilities with robust sensor architecture for challenging environmental conditions. It is an ideal, easy,  and affordable device for daily industrial as well as domestic usage.

2005 E 2700 S, STE 200 
Salt Lake City, Utah 84109
+1 (304) 519-4567
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